ဟိုတေလာကအလုပ္နဲနဲမ်ားလို ့Postအသစ္တင္တာနဲနဲ delay ျဖစ္သၢားတာပါ..
ဒီေန ့ေတာ့ ဘာ post တင္ရမလဲလို ့စဥ္းစားရခက္ေနတုန္းမွာပဲ TV Channel တစ္ခုက Wineလုပ္တဲ့အေၾကာင္းနဲ. Wine လုပ္ရာမွာအသံုးျပဳတဲ့ စပ်စ္သီး(Grapes)ေတၢအေၾကာင္းျပတာၾကည့္လိုက္ရတာသၢားသတိရၿပီး အဲ့ဒီ့ Grapes ေတၢအေၾကာင္းကို Post တင္ခ်င္လာလို ့......ကဲ စလိုက္ရေအာင္..
Wine ပညာရပ္ဟာနက္နဲၿပီး ေလ့လာရခက္တာေၾကာင့္အရင္ဦးစၢာ grapes ေတၢအေၾကာင္းမေျပာခင္ wine basics ေလးသိသေလာက္ share ခ်င္ပါတယ္။ဒါေတာင္ေတာ္ေတာ္ေရးရမွာမို ့ အပိုင္းေတၢခၢဲမွဖတ္ရတာအဆင္ေျပလိမ့္မယ္။တတ္ႏိုင္သမွ်တိုတိုနဲ ့လိုရင္းတင္ျပေပးပါမယ္..သည္းခံျပီးဖတ္လိုက္ပါဦး..
ကဲဦးစၢာ Wine is classified into 4 categories
1. Still or Table wines -(Red , White or Rose)Light wines လို ့လည္းေခၚၾကတယ္။
2.Sparkling wines -(CO2(Carbon Dioxide)gas မ်ားမ်ား ပါၿပီး Bubble တက္တဲ့အမ်ိဳး,Champagne,Sparkling Wine ,Cava..etc)
3.Fortified Wine (Still or table wines ေတၢကိုပဲ Brandy or Alcohol ထပ္မံထည့္သၢင္းၿပီး distillation ျပန္လုပ္ထားတဲ့ အရက္ေတၢ e.g. Sherry ,Ports wines ,etc..)(Liqueur Wines လို ့လည္းေခၚၾကတယ္)
4.Aromatized wines (Liqueur wines also)-Table/still wines ေတၢ ကိုထပ္မံ Distillation လုပ္ထားၿပီး Herbs ,Spices အစရွိတဲ့ ရနံ ့ေတၢထည့္သၢင္းထားတာေတၢ....e.g ,Vermouth,စသည္ျဖင့္ျဖစ္ၾကပါတယ္။">
အဲ့ဒီ့ထဲကမွ 1. Table /still wines (Red or White wines)ေတၢဘယ္လို လုပ္တယ္ဆိုတာကို သိသေလာက္ ီိိdefine လုပ္ ေျပာျပခ်င္ပါတယ္ (ေနာက္postေတၢက်မွ How to make wines ေတၢေရးဦးမယ္)။အရင္ဦးစၢာ..
What is wine?
Wine is the fermented(natural chemical reaction) alcoholic beverage produced from the juice of freshly picked grapes with a little assistance by people ..လို ့ကၽြန္ေတာ့္ဟာကၽြန္ေတာ္ ဘာသာျပန္ၾကည့္ခ်င္တယ္။>
ပထမဦးစၢာ Table Wines ေတၢမွာ အေရာင္သံုးမ်ိဳးနဲ ့Red ,White or Rose Wines ဆိုျပီးကဲၢျပားပါတယ္.
တူညီတဲ့အခ်က္ကေတာ့ အားလံုးက Grapes ေတၢနဲ ့လုပ္ထားတာပါပဲ။Grapes ေတၢကလည္းတစ္ႏိုင္ငံနဲ ့တစ္ႏိုင္ငံမတူညီပဲ အမ်ိဳးအစားေတၢကၢဲျပားသလို စိုက္ပ်ိဳးတဲ့နည္းလမ္းေတၢလည္းမတူညီပါဘူး..အဲ့ဒါေတၢေပၚမူတည္ၿပီး Wine ရဲ့ Character (အရသာ၊အနံ ့Flavours စတာ)ေတၢကလည္းကၢာျခားႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
Grapes ေပါင္းမ်ားစၢာ(ကမၻာတ၀ွမ္း)ရွိေပမယ့္ Grape ေလးတစ္လံုးကိုခၢဲျခမ္းစတ္ျဖာျပီး wine Terms အေခၚအေ၀ၚေတၢနဲ wine လုပ္ရာမွာဘာအာနိသင္ေတၢေပးတယ္ဆိုတာၾကည့္လိုက္ရေအာင္…
စပ်စ္သီးကို အလၢယ္အေရာင္ႏွစ္မ်ိဳးသတ္မွတ္ေလ့႐ွိပါတယ္ ။အနီေရာင္(Red or Black Grapes) နဲ ့အျဖဴေရာင္ (White Grapes ) ဆို ပါေတာ့။ဘာအေရာင္ပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္….
A grape contains
-Seeds (အေစ့) wine terms မွာ PIPS လို ့ေခၚတယ္ ။အခါးဓါတ္အဆီ(Bitter Oils) ေတၢသူ ့ဆီကရတယ္။
-Skin (အခၢံ) wine term မွာ Skin ပါပဲ။သူကေတာ့ wine ေတၢ ကိုcolour ကဲၢျပားေစတဲ့အရာပါပဲ။Wine ေတၢရဲ ့အနီ ေရာင္(Red) နဲ ့ ႏွင္းဆီ၊ပန္းႏုေရာင္(Rose) စတာေတၢဟာ အဲ့ဒီ့Skin ကေနကူးဆက္လာတဲ့အေရာင္ပါပဲ။(How to make wines အေၾကာင္းေနာက္မွာဆက္ေျပာဦးမယ္)ျပီးေတာ့ ။Tannin လို ့ေခၚတဲ့ ပါးစပ္ထဲမွာ ေျခာက္ကပ္ကပ္ျဖစ္သၢားေစတဲ့အာနိသင္ပါတယ္။(စပ်စ္သီး အခၢံခၢါျပီး သီးသန္ ့စားၾကည့္ပါ)။
-Stalk (အညွာ) – Tannin (အေပၚက Skin မွာလိုပဲ) ပါတယ္။
-Pulps (အသားလို ့ေျပာရမလား)wine ထုတ္လုပ္ရာမွာအဓိကက်တဲ့ အရည္(water) ၊သၾကားအခ်ိဳဓါတ္(Sugar)၊အသီးကAcid ဓါတ္(ခ်ဥ္ျပီး၊ပါးစပ္ထဲမွာအရည္ ႐ွၢမ္းေစတာ(ဘိုလိုဆိုေတာ့ Mouthwatering ျဖစ္ေစတဲ့ဓါတ္ေပါ့)၊ျပီးေတာ့ Proteins (အာဟာရေတၢလည္းပါတယ္)အဲ့ဒီ့အထဲမွာပါတဲ့ Sugar ဓါတ္က wine making process မွာ Yeast လို ့ေခၚတဲ့ တေစး(Alcohol ျဖစ္ေစဖို ့ဓါတ္ျပဳေပးတဲ့အရာ) နဲ ့ဓါတ္ျပဳရင္း အနဲ အမ်ားက်န္တဲ့ေပၚမူတည္လို ့wine character မွာ Sweet ,Medium and Dry Wine ဆိုျပီးကဲၢသၢားပါတယ္(ေနာက္ေတာ့အဲ့ဒီ့အေၾကာင္းသပ္သပ္ဆက္တာေပါ့)
ဒီ post က grapes ေတၢကို List လုပ္ျပခ်င္တာဆိုေတာ့ How to make the wines ကို ေနာက္ post တၢမွာ Share မယ္။ကမၻာေပၚမွာေရာင္းခ်ေနတဲ့ wine အားလုံးထဲကသံုးပံုႏွစ္ပံု ကို Europe ႏိုင္ငံေတၢကထုပ္လုပ္ပါတယ္။Europe ႏိုင္ငံေတၢထဲကသိသိသာသာ ထုတ္တဲ့ႏိုင္ငံေတၢ(ွSignificant wine producers within Europe)ကေတာ့ Italy,Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Germany ဆိုပါေတာ့။တျခားကမၻာတလၢားက Leading wine producers(ထုပ္လုပ္မွုအမ်ားဆံုးႏိုင္ငံေတၢ)ကေတာ့
Argentina, Chile, USA, Australia and South Africa ေတၢပါပဲ။
Many styles of wines are produced around the world
, which suit people’s various preferences .Wine ရဲ ့ ေနာက္ဆံုး အရသာနဲ ့Style ,Character စတာေတၢေျပာင္းလၢဲကၢဲျပားျခင္း အေျခအေနေတၢဖန္တီးျဖစ္ေပၚေစတဲ.အခ်က္ေတၢ
By the way ,Nobel grapes လို ့ေခၚတဲ့ လူသိမ်ားျပီး အထင္႐ွားဆံုးနဲ ့ top grapes ေတၢကေတာ့
Chardonnay (Queen of the white grapes ) နဲ ့ Riesling
Cabernet Sauvignon (King of the Red Grapes ) နဲ ့ Pinot Noir (Champagne လုပ္ရာမွာသူ ့ကိုလည္းသံုးတယ္)
ကဲ post လဲနဲနဲ႐ွည္ေနျပီမို. (အိပ္လည္းအိပ္ခ်င္လာလို ့(ေနာက္တာ) PC ေ ့႐ွမွာလည္းၾကာျပီမို ့)အေပၚက The World Leading Wine Producing Countries ေတၢမွာစိုက္ပ်ိဳးေနတဲ့ Grapes Varieties ေတၢနဲ့ ့သူတို ့ကေန wine ကို Effect ျဖစ္ေစႏိုင္တဲ့ Characters ေတၢကို A to Z တင္ ဆက္လိုက္ပါတယ္။အကုန္ေတာ့မဟုတ္ဘူး။မလိုအပ္ဖူးထင္လို ့ခ်န္ထားခဲ့တာေလးေတၢေတာ.ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ား႐ွိတယ္(To be honest with you ).ဒါေပမယ့္ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေတာ့စံုပါတယ္…..ၾကည့္လိုက္ရေအာင္……….:)
Spanish white wine grape that makes crisp, refreshing, and light-bodied wines.
From Italy's Veneto Region a strong, dry, long- lived red, made from a blend of partially dried red grapes.
Asti Spumante
From the Piedmont Region of Italy, A semidry sparkling wine produced from the Moscato di Canelli grape in the village of Asti.
Most successful in Italy's Piedmont region. High acidity, deep ruby color and full body, with low tannins & berrylike flavors.
A red wine from the Piedmont Region of Italy, made from Nebbiolo grapes it is lighter than Barolo .
Highly regarded Italian red, made from Nebbiolo grapes. It is dark, full-bodied and high in tannin and alcohol. Ages well.
Typically light, fresh, fruity red wines from and area south of Burgundy, near Lyons, in eastern France. Areas: Beaujolais-Blanc, Beaujolais Villages, Brouilly, Chénas, Chiroubles, Fleurie, Juliénas, Mouliné-àVent, Morgon, Regnie, Saint Amour.
This strain of Sangiovese is the only grape permitted for Brunello di Montalcino, the rare, costly Tuscan red. Luscious black and red fruits with chewy tannins.
Cabernet Franc
Red wine grape used in Bordeaux for blending with Cabernet Sauvignon. It is an earlier-maturing red wine, due to its lower level of tannins. Light- to medium-bodied wine with more immediate fruit than Cabernet Sauvignon and some of the herbaceous odors evident in unripe Cabernet Sauvignon.
Cabernet Sauvignon
Currant, Plum, Black Cherry & Spice, with notes of Olive, Vanilla Mint, Tobacco, Toasty Cedar, Anise, Pepper & Herbs. Full-bodied wines with great depth that improve with aging. Cabernet spends from 15 to 30 months aging in American & French Oak barrels which tend to soften the tannins, adding the toasty cedar & vanilla flavors.
Also known as Grande Vidure, once widely planted in Bordeaux. Now primarily associated with Chile. Carmenere, was imported to Chile in the 1850's. Carmenere has been frequently mislabeled snf many growers and the Chilean government consider it
Apple, Pear, Vanilla, Fig, Peach, Pineapple, Melon, Citrus, Lemon, Grapefruit, Honey, Spice, Butterscotch, Butter & Hazelnut. Chardonnay takes well to Oak aging & barrel fermentation and is easy to manipulate with techniques such as sur lie aging & malolactic fermentation.
The most famous wines of the southern Rhône Valley, are produced in and around the town of the same name (the summer residence of the popes during their exile to Avignon). The reds are rich, ripe, and heady, with full alcohol levels and chewy rustic flavors. Although 13 grape varieties are planted here, the principal varietal is Grenache, followed by Syrah, Cinsault and Mourvèdre (also Vaccarese, Counoise, Terret noir, Muscardin, Clairette, Piquepoul, Picardan, Rousanne, Bourboulenc).
Chenin Blanc
Native of the Loire where it's the basis of the famous whites: Vouvray, Anjou, Quarts de Chaume and Saumer. In other areas it is a very good blending grape. Called Steen in South Africa and their most-planted grape. California uses it mainly as a blending grape for generic table wines. It can be a pleasant wine, with melon, peach, spice and citrus. The great Loire wines, depending on the producer can be dry and fresh to sweet.
From a blend of grapes this fruity, light ruby-to-garnet-colored red may be called Chianti Riserva when aged three or more years.
Chianti Classico
From a designated portion of the Chianti wine district. To be labeled Chianti Classico, both vineyard and winery must be within the specified region.
Colombard (French Colombard)
The second most widely planted white variety in California, nearly all of it for jug wines. It produces an abundant crop, nearly 11 tons per acre, and makes clean and simple wines.
This legendary sweet wine from South Africa, was a favorite of Napoleon. It comes from an estate called Groot Constantia.
"Ice wine," A sweet German wine, made from grapes that have frozen on the vine. Freezing concentrates the sugars in the grapes prior to harvesting.
An Italian fruity, golden white wine, may be dry to sweet.
Fumé Blanc
see Sauvignon Blanc
Beaujolais makes its famous, fruity reds exclusively from one of the many Gamays available, the Gamay Noir à Jus Blanc. Low in alcohol and relatively high in acidity, the wines are meant to be drunk soon after bottling; the ultimate example of this is Beaujolais Nouveau, whipped onto shelves everywhere almost overnight. It is also grown in the Loire, but makes no remarkable wines. The Swiss grow it widely, for blending with Pinot Noir; they often chaptalize the wines.
Gamay Beaujolais
A California variety that makes undistinguished wines. Primarily used for blending.
A Piedmont red made from Nebbiolo blended with other grapes. Powerful and long-lived.
A distinctive floral bouquet & spicy flavor are hallmarks of this medium-sweet wine. Grown mainly in Alsace region of France & Germany, and also in California, Eastern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Used mainly for blending and the making of Rose and Blush Wines in California, while in France it is blended to make Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Originally from Spain is the second most widely grown grape in the world. It produces a fruity, spicy, medium-bodied wine.
A fizzy, usually red, dry to sweet wine from northern Italy, made from the grape of the same name.
A blended German white, semisweet and fairly neutral, which accounts for up to 50 percent of all German wine exports.
Once important in Bordeaux and the Loire in various blends, this not-very-hardy grape has been steadily replaced by Merlot and the two Cabernets. However, Argentina is markedly successful with this varietal. In the United States Malbec is a blending grape only, and an insignificant one at that, but a few wineries use it, the most obvious reason being that it's considered part of the Bordeaux-blend recipe.
A full-bodied, moderately intense wine with spice, pear and citrus notes. Popular in the Rhône & Australia (especially Victoria) has some of the world's oldest vineyards. California's "Rhône-Rangers" have had considerable success with this variety.
a U.S. appellation. Be limited to a maximum of 25,000 cases produced per vintage.
Herbs, Green Olive, Cherry & Chocolate. Softer & medium in weight with fewer tannins than Cabernet and ready to drink sooner. Takes well to Oak aging. It is frequently used as a blending wine with Cabernet to soften
Also known as Muscat Blanc and Muscat Canelli. With pronounced spice and floral notes it can also be used for blending. A versatile grape that can turn into anything from Asti Spumante and Muscat de Canelli to a dry wine like Muscat d'Alsace.
The great grape of Northern Italy, which excels there in Barolo and Barbaresco, strong, ageable wines. Mainly unsuccessful elsewhere, Nebbiolo also now has a small foothold in California. So far the wines are light and uncomplicated, bearing no resemblance to the Italian types.
Pinot Blanc
Similar flavor and texture to Chardonnay it is used in Champagne, Burgundy, Alsace, Germany, Italy and California and can make a excellent wines. It can be intense, and complex, with ripe pear, spice, citrus and honey notes.
Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris
At its best this varietal produces wines that are soft, perfumed with more color than most other white wines. Grown mainly in northeast Italy, but as Pinot Gris it is grown in Alsace & known as Tokay.
Pinot Meunier
Grown in the Champagne region of France, it is blended with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay to add fruit flavors to champagne.
Pinot Noir
This is the great, noble grape of Burgundy. Difficult to grow but at its best it is smooth & richer than Cabernet Sauvignon with less tannin. Raisin like flavors with undertones of black cherry, spice & raspberry. Widely used in the making of champagne sparkling wines.
A cross between Pinot Noir and Cinsault. Grown in South Africa. Fermented at higher temperatures and aged in new oak for finesse and wonderful berry flavors.
Known for its supple texture, medium to full-bodied spice flavors, raspberry cherry & anise. Sangiovese is used in many fine Italian wines including Chianti.
A blend of mostly Sémillon and Sauvignon Blanc grapes, affected by Botrytis cinerea, which concentrates the wine's sweetness and alcohol.
Sauvignon Blanc
Grassy & herbaceous flavors and aromas mark this light and medium-bodied wine, sometimes with hints of gooseberry & black currant. In California it is often labeled Fume Blanc. New Zealand produces some of the finest Sauvignon Blancs in a markedly fruity style.
The foundation of Sauternes, and many of the dry whites of Graves and Pessac-Léognan. It can make a wonderful late-harvest wine, with complex fig, pear, tobacco and honey notes. As a blending wine it adds body, flavor and texture to Sauvignon Blanc. It may be blended with Chardonnay, but does not add much to the flavor.
A straw-colored dry white wine Italy's Veneto Region. Symphony Symphony is a U. C. Davis clone. In 1948, the Muscat of Alexandria and Grenache Gris grapes were combined to create this delicate Muscat flavor. It's very distinctive
Trebbiano in Italy and Ugni Blancin France. Found in almost any basic white Italian wine, and is actually a sanctioned ingredient of the blend used for Chianti. In France, it is often called St.Émilion, and used for Cognac and Armagnac brandy.
A light, semidry red from Italy's Veneto Region, typically drunk young.
Italian white that produces a pale, light-bodied, crisp wine.
Viognier, is one of the most difficult grapes to grow. It makes a floral and spicy white wine, medium to full-bodied and very fruity, with apricot and peach aromas.
With predominant raspberry flavors and a spicy aroma, Zinfandels can be bold and intense as well as light and fruity. It takes well to blending bringing out flavors of cherry, wild berry & plum with notes of leather, earth & tar. It is the most widely grown grape in California. Much of it is turned into White Zinfandel, a blush wine that is slightly sweet.
ဆိုတာေတၢ တင္ျပရင္း…
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မိတ္ေဆၢမ်ားအားလံုး ….ေပ်ာ္ပါေစ